Saturday, August 17, 2013

The Elixir

            Chloe entered the shop with a heavy heart.  The man with Santa’s beard greeted her with unusal warmth.  Today he was dressed in a white linen tunic that reminded her of a monk. 
“Well well, looks who’s here!  How was your night?”
“Uh, not so good.  I don’t know how to tell you this…so I’m just going to say it.  I-” her voice failed and her eyes filled with water.
“Oh what’s wrong girly?!”
“I’m sorry.  I’m so so sorry.  I- I don’t know what happened, well first there was this noise.  Then this shadow…”
“Listen, I’m gonna cut ya off right there- I’m sorry, I forgot your name.” He said, coming around the counter.
“It’s Chloe.  Uh, about Ninja…like I said, there was this shadow…and and”
“Ssshhh.  You know, I had the strangest morning.  I woke up to a scratching noise.  And do you know what it was?” He asked, his blue eyes shining.
“A blood thirsty monster with entrails hanging from its hands?” she offered, she was still fighting the tears over the loss of the cat.  He laughed a laugh that chased her gloom away.
“Girl, let me get you a cup of tea, we have a lot to talk about.”  He grasped her shoulder and steered her to the back of the store.  The scent of sandalwood invaded her nostrils as she walked through a beaded curtain. 
“Listen kiddo.  Don’t worry about Ninja.  But I think we have bigger problems.  But first, I have a terrible question for you…” his voice trailed as he poured the steaming water over some dark leaves which reminded Chloe of dead worms.  She shook her head at the morbid thought wondering where such a dark thought had come from.  Not knowing how to continue the conversation, she wrapped her hands around the cup letting the tea warm her hands.  She felt his eyes on her, but she didn’t look up to meet them,.  She sat at the rickety table and studied the intricate pattern of the 1970’s carpet.  The tears were still trying to escape from her eyes as she replayed the night over and over again.  He grasped her shoulder again and lightly squeezed, then he sat down loudly sipped his tea.  Still refusing to speak, she sipped hers and moved her eyes up to study the paisley wallpaper.  He cleared his throat again, then began, “this is my strange question- for the life of me I can’t remember your name.”  She shot her eyes to meet his and burst out laughing.  It was so absurd.  She had burst into his store, told him about an evil ghost, asked to borrow a cat, then she lost the cat- the events all seemed to ludicrous, and yet he didn’t even know her name. 
“I’m sorry, I really am- it’s just so funny.  It really is!  I am so insanely scared, I can’t even sleep in my own apartment any more…and wow.  You don’t even know my name.  And you know the best part?  I don’t even know yours!”  She said, half talking half laughing.  She gulped at her tea and tried to control her growing hysteria. 
“Are you going to tell me?  Also, let me get you some chamomile, you seem tense.” He said, his eyes still shining.
“Well, since we have made no progress, I’ll go first, my name is Ziggy.  It’s a pleasure to meet you.”  He stood up and began pulling down glass bottles.
“Sorry.  I’m Chloe.  Nice to meet you too.  Thank you.  You seem nice.  But I have to talk to you about Ninja…”  As if on cue, she heard a noise which could only be made by a feline.  Ninja sauntered into the room and jumped up on the table.  Torn between dismay and happiness, Chloe just stared in wonder. 
“Wha- Ninja!”  She blinked and hugged him.  He squirmed and pulled away from her. 
“Yeah, funny story.  As I was trying to tell you earlier…I heard this scratching noise, and it was him.  He looked rather spooked.”  Ziggy explained as he picked up the cat.  Ninja leaned his head towards him, then he jumped down.
“Oh I can’t tell you how happy I am he’s here!  I was so scared that he was gone for good.  And- and then shadow…” she began stammering again, the tears hadn’t fully retreated.
“Okay, okay, just calm down.  Now tell me, what happened last night?”  He asked.  Chloe recounted the episode for what seemed like the millionth time, she was proud of herself for not shedding a tear.  She drank some more tea and was surprised by how calm she was becoming. 
“Okay my dear, here’s what you need to do.” He advised closing his pale eyes and placing his soft, leathery hand over  hers.  “You need to surround yourself with protection.”
“Yes.  You need amber, fire agate and black tourmaline.  We’ll make an elixir from these.”
“Okay, sounds good.  How do we do that?” She asked, hopeful and trying to be skeptical. 
“Well, we have to release the energy from the crystals.  To do that, put the stones in a clear bowl and let the natural sunlight pour though the water.  Then, in twelve hours, you only need to drink about a cup.”
“A cup?  That’s it?  And the spirit or whatever will leave me alone?”
“It should.  If not, come back and see me.” 

Chloe stared at the liquid with a mixture of hope and curiosity.  She drank the lukewarm water and tried to keep down the chalky tasting substance.  She did feel different.  Warm.  Safe.  Calm.  She smiled and crawled into bed.  She closed her eyes and let sleep overtake her.  No dreams, not tonight no dreams.  Please.  Just let me sleep.  Let this work, let me be safe…she prayed to no one in particular. 

An hour later Chloe was ripped from her quiet solitude with a stabbing pain in her abdomen.  She felt the bile rising the back of her throat.  Oh no!  No!  Damnit I just washed the sheets!!  She lunged herself into the bathroom just in time to make her deposit into the toilet.  Yellow liquid escaped from her mouth as she heaved uncontrollably.  “Seriously?  This is what I get?!” She called into toilet.  Uncontrollable tears escaped from her eyes.  When her stomach stopped constricting, she took a deep breath and wiped her eyes.  “It’s not fair…”she sobbed.  She reached out into the air and tried to stand up, when she felt her fingers brush something.  She didn’t notice the temperature decrease or that her door didn’t close all the way.  Perhaps puking out all the stone water wasn’t the best idea.  She reached out again and brushed the air.  Yes, there was something there.  She ignored the warning sirens now screaming throughout her body.  There was a heavy breath on her neck.  Trying to steady her pounding heart she leaned towards the breath, no, I can’t run away- that would be too easy  Let’s just check it out, what’s the worst that could happen?  The breathing didn’t move.  She reached out and tried to trace out the figure in the air.  She heard the growling, it was to her right, the figure to the left and something in the center.  She closed her eyes and forced herself to stand up.  The unseen figures seemed to move with her.  Her legs reminded her of overcooked pasta, her arms felt as though titanium had been injected in her veins.  She was dizzy.  The world spun around her.  It’s okay, it’s going to be okay- they haven’t hurt me yet…if I can just make it to the living room…focus.  Floor, walls…is that heat?  Did it get warmer in here?  Wasn’t it just cold?  What’s going on?  “W-wha ar ya doin’?” she heard herself slur.  Spots danced before her eyes as she took one unsteady step after another. 

            After what seemed like a hike up Everest, she finally made it to the living room.  Her unseen entourage adding concealed weight.  She saw the chunk of amber sitting on the table near her pile of bills and ads.  The amber stone reminded of a prize from an Indian Jones movie.  The temperature fluctuations were causing her nose to run and her eyes to sting.  Never had so many rebellious tears disobeyed direct orders to stay inside as they had for the past week.  After what seemed like another hour she reached out and grabbed the amber.  As she made contact with fossilized tree sap the noticed the weight lessen.  She sighed and clutched the stone with all her might.  The growling became louder and made her skin crawl; however she was no longer feeling the breathing on her face.  Well, at least the guy had part of that potion right.  She leaned against the wall and asleep holding the stone.                              

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