Sunday, August 11, 2013

Battle Result

Her fear was at an unprecedented level and she could no longer think, she could no longer hear any other sound than unearthly growling.  She felt a different set of eyes on her; she felt certain that they were examining her very bones.  She saw the shadow parley away from Ninja and move in a way that could only be seen as aggressive.  Forcing herself off the couch Chloe lunged towards Ninja and somersaulted her way into the kitchen table.  She felt the soft body of the still hissing Ninja beneath her and a welt developing on her hip.  Still cradling Ninja she jumped up and turned on another light.  The shadow didn’t move; it actually grew in size and density.  She gasped and felt the hot tears streaming down her face.  She pressed her back against the wall and hugged Ninja, a now very hot and uncomfortable cat.  She felt the eyes coming towards her.  She loosened her grip on Ninja once more and let him slip through her fingers.
            Ninja shot a disgruntled look at his captor and licked his paw, seemingly unaware of the nuisance slowly making its way towards them.  He paced in the kitchen, unsure of where to go.  Chloe stared at him, she felt defeated and useless.  She stood up and walked towards the black pool that was making itself comfortable in her hallway and dining room.  “What do you want!  What?!” she screamed, half hysterical tears still coursing their way down her face and neck.  Blind with fear and fatigue she kicked at the air and screamed when her foot actually touched something.  The shadow recoiled and reduced in size.  Ninja hissed and jumped back on the table.  The temperature increased in the room and she ran towards the door.  Ninja trailed after her and she stopped when she reached the stair well.  Where am I going?  I don’t even know what time it is.  What was it?  But it was there, there was something there.  I felt it.  I-I- I don’t know what to do.  Where can I go?  Damnit I wish I hadn’t lost that cross!  Chloe gave herself to hysteria and cried.  She cried out of fear and desperation; out of feeling weak and defenseless; and she cried out of sheer loneliness.  She felt Ninja rub up against her, bringing her back to reality.  Her eyes stung, she could barely see, she rationalized that perhaps it was better that way.  She reached for Ninja and hugged him so much that he yelped in protest.  Despite his obvious discomfort he purred and nuzzled against her.  “You’re a great friend.  Thank you.”  With wobbly legs she stood up and re-entered her apartment that she was tempted to rename The Twilight Zone. 
            The door never closed behind Chloe’s rapid departure, she took a deep breath and slowly crept inside.  She spotted Ninja out of the corner of her eye and motioned him inside; he sat and stared at her in the way all cats did: the I’m-looking-at-you-but-not-really-looking-and-listening-to-you-but-not-really-listening-to-you.  She reached down and tried to pick but in swift motion he was gone.  She saw the tip of his tail bouncing down the stairs.  “Ninja!  Ninja come back!  Your parents are going to kill me!”  She chased after the elusive feline and was quickly reminded that she was barefoot and there was frost on the concrete.  Shivering, swearing and disappointed she returned home.  New tears were gathering in her eyes.  Now she felt even more alone that had before.  No longer afraid of the shadow or what lay in the shadow itself she bravely marched inside.  The shadow was gone.  In fact, the apartment felt empty.  “Great, first the cat and now the ghost…am I actually sad about this?  What the hell is wrong with me?”  She looked out the window and saw the sky becoming lighter in color.  She walked into the kitchen and turned on the coffee maker then walked to the bathroom.  Even though the lights were all on, Chloe still danced around the place where the shadow had once been.  A strange mark on the wall caught her attention and forced her to walk where the strange entity had been.  She reached out and traced five deep scratches in the wall.  Too tired to care, she sighed and turned on the shower.  The shower seemed to be the only place where Chloe could collect her thoughts and be at peace. 
            Thirty minutes later Chloe emerged from the steamy room, despite her lack of sleep she felt refreshed and calm.  Deliberately ignoring the injury to the wall, she walked to the kitchen and poured some coffee.  She tried to massage the kink out of her neck and wondered how on earth she was going to explain to the nice couple that she lost their cat.  Her heart ached at the loss of her new friend.  She glanced out the window and sighed.  The sky was laced with grey and pink, with hints of blue and gold.  This was her favorite time of day, when the sun was just stretching out its million mile fingers, gently massaging the world to life.   She closed her eyes and tried to swallow down the dread and grief creeping up on her.  She replayed the events of the few hours over and over again and she was no closer to understanding what had actually occurred.  Was there a connection between the shadow and her ghost?
            Jessica sent her the first text message of the day.  Chloe didn’t know how to tell her that Ninja had disappeared in the middle of the night after losing a battle with a shadow.  A wave of nausea washed over her as the pressure once again increased.  Deciding it was a sign to get ready for work she burned her tongue on her coffee and quickly threw on some clothes.

“Excuse me, miss?  I need to change my dog food, what do you recommend?” Chloe blinked as she tried to focus on who was asking such an ambiguous question.  She blinked again as her eyes took in a man wearing a sports jacket with stylish glasses.  She gave a small smile and tried to think of a clever answer, “um, how much money do you want to spend?” That’s right, way to be smooth. 
“I mean, well, yeah, how much do you want to spend?  I mean, the more expensive stuff has less fillers like corn and wheat, or if you want crap, you can buy that too.”  Realizing how unprofessional she was sounding she moved her arm in a showing motion, and then smiled again.  He chuckled then decided to walk further down the aisle of dog food. 

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